Source code for controllers.models.movies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#                        2011 E2OpenPlugins                                  #
#                                                                            #
#  This file is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as      #
#               published by the Free Software Foundation.                   #
#                                                                            #
import os
import logging

from enigma import eServiceReference, iServiceInformation, eServiceCenter
from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
from Tools.FuzzyDate import FuzzyTime
from Components.config import config
from Components.MovieList import MovieList
from Screens import MovieSelection
from ..i18n import _

from model_utilities import mangle_epg_text

MOVIETAGFILE = "/etc/enigma2/movietags"
TRASHDIRNAME = "movie_trash"

#: servicereference prefix for movie itmes
MOVIE_LIST_SREF_ROOT = '2:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:'

#: fallback value for 'movie list root'

MLOG = logging.getLogger("movies")

[docs]def getPosition(cutfile, movie_len): """ Retrieve 'last watched' position. .. deprecated:: 0.86 Args: cutfile (basestring): movie's cutfile path movie_len(int): movie length in minutes Returns: dict: movie items """ cut_list = [] if movie_len is not None and os.path.isfile(cutfile): try: import struct with open(cutfile) as f: data = while len(data) > 0: packedCue = data[:12] data = data[12:] cue = struct.unpack('>QI', packedCue) cut_list.append(cue) except Exception: return 0 else: return 0 last_end_point = None if len(cut_list): for (pts, what) in cut_list: if what == 3: last_end_point = pts / 90000 # in seconds else: return 0 try: movie_len = int(movie_len) except ValueError: return 0 if movie_len > 0 and last_end_point is not None: play_progress = (last_end_point * 100) / movie_len if play_progress > 100: play_progress = 100 else: play_progress = 0 return play_progress
[docs]def getMovieList(rargs=None, locations=None): """ Generate a `dict` containing movie items information. .. deprecated:: 0.86 Args: rargs (dict): request object's args locations(list): paths where recordings might be stored Returns: dict: movie items """ movieliste = [] tag = None directory = None fields = None bookmarklist = [] if rargs and "tag" in rargs.keys(): tag = rargs["tag"][0] if rargs and "dirname" in rargs.keys(): directory = rargs["dirname"][0] if rargs and "fields" in rargs.keys(): fields = rargs["fields"][0] if directory is None: directory = MovieSelection.defaultMoviePath() else: try: directory.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: directory = directory.decode("cp1252").encode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: directory = directory.decode("iso-8859-1").encode("utf-8") if not directory: directory = MOVIE_LIST_ROOT_FALLBACK if directory[-1] != "/": directory += "/" if not os.path.isdir(directory): return { "movies": [], "locations": [], "bookmarks": [], "directory": [], } root = eServiceReference(MOVIE_LIST_SREF_ROOT + directory) for item in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): abs_p = os.path.join(directory, item) if os.path.isdir(abs_p): bookmarklist.append(item) folders = [root] if rargs and "recursive" in rargs.keys(): for f in bookmarklist: if f[-1] != "/": f += "/" ff = eServiceReference(MOVIE_LIST_SREF_ROOT + directory + f) folders.append(ff) # get all locations if locations is not None: folders = [] for f in locations: if f[-1] != "/": f += "/" ff = eServiceReference(MOVIE_LIST_SREF_ROOT + f) folders.append(ff) for root in folders: movielist = MovieList(None) movielist.load(root, None) if tag is not None: movielist.reload(root=root, filter_tags=[tag]) for (serviceref, info, begin, unknown) in movielist.list: if serviceref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: continue length_minutes = 0 txtdesc = "" filename = '/'.join(serviceref.toString().split("/")[1:]) filename = '/' + filename name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) sourceRef = ServiceReference( info.getInfoString( serviceref, iServiceInformation.sServiceref)) rtime = info.getInfo( serviceref, iServiceInformation.sTimeCreate) movie = { 'filename': filename, 'filename_stripped': filename.split("/")[-1], 'serviceref': serviceref.toString(), 'length': "?:??", 'lastseen': 0, 'filesize_readable': '', 'recordingtime': rtime, 'begintime': 'undefined', 'eventname': mangle_epg_text( ServiceReference(serviceref).getServiceName()), 'servicename': mangle_epg_text(sourceRef.getServiceName()), 'tags': info.getInfoString(serviceref, iServiceInformation.sTags), 'fullname': serviceref.toString(), } if rtime > 0: fuzzy_rtime = FuzzyTime(rtime) movie['begintime'] = fuzzy_rtime[0] + ", " + fuzzy_rtime[1] try: length_minutes = info.getLength(serviceref) except BaseException: pass if length_minutes: movie['length'] = "%d:%02d" % ( length_minutes / 60, length_minutes % 60) if fields is None or 'pos' in fields: movie['lastseen'] = getPosition( filename + '.cuts', length_minutes) if fields is None or 'desc' in fields: txtfile = name + '.txt' if ext.lower() != '.ts' and os.path.isfile(txtfile): with open(txtfile, "rb") as handle: txtdesc = ''.join(handle.readlines()) event = info.getEvent(serviceref) extended_description = event and event.getExtendedDescription() or "" # NOQA if extended_description == '' and txtdesc != '': extended_description = txtdesc movie['descriptionExtended'] = unicode( extended_description, 'utf_8', errors='ignore').encode( 'utf_8', 'ignore') desc = info.getInfoString( serviceref, iServiceInformation.sDescription) movie['description'] = unicode( desc, 'utf_8', errors='ignore').encode( 'utf_8', 'ignore') if fields is None or 'size' in fields: size = 0 sz = '' try: size = os.stat(filename).st_size if size > 1073741824: sz = "%.2f %s" % ((size / 1073741824.), _("GB")) elif size > 1048576: sz = "%.2f %s" % ((size / 1048576.), _("MB")) elif size > 1024: sz = "%.2f %s" % ((size / 1024.), _("kB")) except BaseException: pass movie['filesize'] = size movie['filesize_readable'] = sz movieliste.append(movie) if locations is None: return { "movies": movieliste, "bookmarks": bookmarklist, "directory": directory } return { "movies": movieliste, "locations": locations }
def getAllMovies(): locations = config.movielist.videodirs.value[:] or [] return getMovieList(locations=locations) def removeMovie(session, sRef, Force=False): service = ServiceReference(sRef) result = False deleted = False message = "service error" if service is not None: serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() offline = serviceHandler.offlineOperations(service.ref) info = name = info and info.getName(service.ref) or "this recording" if offline is not None: if Force is True: message = "force delete" elif hasattr(config.usage, 'movielist_trashcan'): fullpath = service.ref.getPath() srcpath = '/'.join(fullpath.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' # TODO: check trash # TODO: check enable trash default value if '.Trash' not in fullpath \ and config.usage.movielist_trashcan.value: result = False message = "trashcan" try: import Tools.Trashcan trash = Tools.Trashcan.createTrashFolder(srcpath) MovieSelection.moveServiceFiles(service.ref, trash) result = True message = "The recording '%s' has been successfully moved to trashcan" % name # NOQA except ImportError: message = "trashcan exception" pass except Exception as e: MLOG.warning( "Failed to move to .Trash folder: {!r}".format(e)) message = "Failed to move to .Trash folder: %s" + str(e) deleted = True elif hasattr(config.usage, 'movielist_use_trash_dir'): fullpath = service.ref.getPath() if TRASHDIRNAME not in fullpath \ and config.usage.movielist_use_trash_dir.value: message = "trashdir" try: from Screens.MovieSelection import getTrashDir from Components.FileTransfer import FileTransferJob from Components.Task import job_manager trash_dir = getTrashDir(fullpath) if trash_dir: src_file = str(fullpath) dst_file = trash_dir if dst_file.endswith("/"): dst_file = trash_dir[:-1] text = _("remove") job_manager.AddJob( FileTransferJob( src_file, dst_file, False, False, "%s : %s" % (text, src_file))) # No Result because of async job message = "The recording '%s' has been successfully moved to trashcan" % name # NOQA result = True else: message = _( "Delete failed, because there is no movie trash " "!\nDisable movie trash in configuration to " "delete this item") except ImportError: message = "trashdir exception" pass except Exception as e: MLOG.warning( "Failed to move to trashdir: {!r}".format(e)) message = "Failed to move to trashdir: %s" + str(e) deleted = True if not deleted: if not offline.deleteFromDisk(0): result = True else: message = "no offline object" if result is False: return { "result": False, "message": "Could not delete Movie '%s' / %s" % (name, message) } else: return { "result": True, "message": "The movie '%s' has been deleted successfully" % name } def _moveMovie(session, sRef, destpath=None, newname=None): service = ServiceReference(sRef) result = True errText = 'unknown Error' if destpath is not None and not destpath[-1] == '/': destpath = destpath + '/' if service is not None: serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() info = name = info and info.getName(service.ref) or "this recording" fullpath = service.ref.getPath() srcpath = '/'.join(fullpath.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' fullfilename = fullpath.split('/')[-1] fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fullfilename) if newname is not None: newfullpath = srcpath + newname + fileExt # TODO: check splitted recording # TODO: use FileTransferJob def domove(): exists = os.path.exists move = os.rename errorlist = [] if fileExt == '.ts': suffixes = ".ts.meta", ".ts.cuts", ".ts.ap", "", \ ".eit", ".ts", ".jpg", ".ts_mp.jpg" else: suffixes = "%s.ts.meta" % fileExt, \ "%s.cuts" % fileExt, fileExt, '.jpg', '.eit' for suffix in suffixes: src = srcpath + fileName + suffix if exists(src): try: if newname is not None: # rename title in meta file if suffix == '.ts.meta': # todo error handling lines = [] with open(src, "r") as fin: for line in fin: lines.append(line) lines[1] = newname + '\n' lines[4] = '\n' foutname = srcpath + newname + suffix with open(foutname, 'w') as fout: fout.write(''.join(lines)) os.remove(src) else: move(src, srcpath + newname + suffix) else: move(src, destpath + fileName + suffix) except IOError as e: errorlist.append("I/O error({0})".format(e)) break except OSError as ose: errorlist.append(str(ose)) return errorlist # MOVE if newname is None: if srcpath == destpath: result = False errText = 'Equal Source and Destination Path' elif not os.path.exists(fullpath): result = False errText = 'File not exist' elif not os.path.exists(destpath): result = False errText = 'Destination Path not exist' elif os.path.exists(destpath + fullfilename): errText = 'Destination File exist' result = False # rename else: if not os.path.exists(fullpath): result = False errText = 'File not exist' elif os.path.exists(newfullpath): result = False errText = 'New File exist' if result: errlist = domove() if not errlist: result = True else: errText = errlist[0] result = False etxt = "rename" if newname is None: etxt = "move" if result is False: return { "result": False, "message": "Could not %s recording '%s' Err: '%s'" % ( etxt, name, errText)} else: return { "result": True, "message": "The recording '%s' has been %sd successfully" % ( name, etxt)} def moveMovie(session, sRef, destpath): return _moveMovie(session, sRef, destpath=destpath) def renameMovie(session, sRef, newname): return _moveMovie(session, sRef, newname=newname) def getMovieTags(sRef=None, addtag=None, deltag=None): if sRef is not None: result = False service = ServiceReference(sRef) if service is not None: fullpath = service.ref.getPath() filename = '/'.join(fullpath.split("/")[1:]) metafilename = '/' + filename + '.meta' if os.path.isfile(metafilename): lines = [] with open(metafilename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if lines: meta = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""] lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] le = len(lines) meta[0:le] = lines[0:le] oldtags = meta[4].split(' ') if addtag is not None: addtag = addtag.replace(' ', '_') try: oldtags.index(addtag) except ValueError: oldtags.append(addtag) if deltag is not None: deltag = deltag.replace(' ', '_') else: deltag = 'dummy' newtags = [] for tag in oldtags: if tag != deltag: newtags.append(tag) lines[4] = ' '.join(newtags) with open(metafilename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines)) result = True return { "result": result, "tags": newtags } return { "result": result, "resulttext": "Recording not found" } tags = [] wr = False if os.path.isfile(MOVIETAGFILE): for tag in open(MOVIETAGFILE).read().split("\n"): if len(tag.strip()) > 0: if deltag != tag: tags.append(tag.strip()) if addtag == tag: addtag = None if deltag is not None: wr = True if addtag is not None: tags.append(addtag) wr = True if wr: with open(MOVIETAGFILE, 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join(tags)) return { "result": True, "tags": tags }