Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. seealso::

.. _event_format-label:

Possible Values of the Format Field

|VALUE | DESCRIPTION                                                          |
| I    | Event Id                                                             |
| B    | Event Begin Time                                                     |
| D    | Event Duration                                                       |
| T    | Event Title                                                          |
| S    | Event Short Description                                              |
| E    | Event Extended Description (extended event description)              |
| C    | Current Time                                                         |
| R    | Service Reference                                                    |
| N    | Service Name                                                         |
| n    | Short Service Name                                                   |
| X    | A flag not associated with the returned result indicating that the   |
|      | minimum of one item in the result table is to be returned            |
|      | corresponding to each service, even if no service events are found.  |
|      | In cases where no event is found in the resulting rows of the table, |
|      | undefined values are returned as None                                |

Event Search

Method signature::

    search((fmt, int size, int querytype, int PE1, int PE2))

Description of Search Parameters

| PARAMETER | REQUIRED | DESCRIPTION                                          |
| fmt       | required | Returned data format - see :ref:`event_format-label` |
| size      | required | maximum number of returned rows                      |
| querytype | required | query type                                           |
| PE1       | required | Parameters dependent on the context set by           |
|           |          | querytype                                            |
+-----------+----------+ see :ref:`event_search_parameters-label`             +
| PE2       | optional |                                                      |
|           |          |                                                      |

.. _event_search_parameters-label:

Description of Parameters Related to Search Querytype

| TYPE | DESCRIPTION                    | PE1               | PE2             |
| 0    | Find similar events            | service reference | Event ID        |
|      | (SIMILAR_BROADCASTINGS_SEARCH) |                   |                 |
| 1    | Find events with the exact     | text to search    | 0 = CASE_CHECK  |
|      | title (EXAKT_TITLE_SEARCH)     |                   | 1 = NO_CASECHECK|
| 2    | Find events with text in the   | text to search    | 0 = CASE_CHECK  |
|      | title (PARTIAL_TITLE_SEARCH)   |                   | 1 = NO_CASECHECK|

.. note::

    * This function searches for event information for the specified \
    * The information is returned in the form of a two-dimensional array, \
    where the first dimension defines the individual elements of the cursor \
    (the searched events), and the second dimension is the value \
    corresponding to the event that is specified by the Format field \
    (single event data).

Example (

  l = eEPGCache.getInstance().search(
     ('RIBND', 1024, eEPGCache.SIMILAR_BROADCASTINGS_SEARCH, refstr, event_id))

Event Lookup

Method signature::

                (eServiceReference ref, int querytype, int PE1, int PE2)])

Description of Lookup Parameters

| PARAMETER | REQUIRED | DESCRIPTION                                          |
| fmt       | required | Returned data format - see :ref:`event_format-label` |
| ref       | required | reference to service                                 |
| querytype | required | query type                                           |
| PE1       | required | Parameters dependent on the context set by           |
|           |          | querytype.                                           |
+-----------+----------+ see :ref:`event_lookup_parameters-label`             |
| PE2       | optional |                                                      |
|           |          |                                                      |

.. _event_lookup_parameters-label:

Description of Parameters Related to Querytype

| TYPE  | DESCRIPTION                                | PE1          | PE2     |
|  2    | Request an event ID                        | Event ID     | n/a     |
| -1    | request events *before* the specified time | time horizon | end     |
+-------+--------------------------------------------+              + date of +
|  0    | request events *crossing* specified time   |              | search  |
+-------+--------------------------------------------+              + scope   +
| +1    | request events *after* specified time      |              |         |

.. note::

    * **-1** for *time horizon* is current date.
    * This function searches for event information for the specified \
    * The information is returned in the form of a two-dimensional array, \
    where the first dimension defines the individual elements of the cursor \
    (the searched events), and the second dimension is the value \
    corresponding to the event that is specified by the Format field \
    (single event data).
    * Time zones of type NUMBER are defined as the number of seconds since \
    the EPOCH date (in the unix systems beginning in 1970).

.. note::

    * for *querytype=2, (PE2) minutes=0* PE1 is event ID
    * PE2 appers to be search scope timedelta in *minutes*
    * if timedelta in *minutes* is -1 all matching events are returned(?)
    * for *querytype=3*: last known item(?)

Examples (

    events = eEPGCache.getInstance ().lookupEvent(
        ['IBDTSENC', (ref, 0, begintime, endtime)])

    search = ['IBDCTSERNX']
    if services: # It's a Bouquet
        search.extend ([(service, 0, -1) cho service in services])
    events = eEPGCache.getInstance ().lookupEvent (search)

    search = ['IBDCTSERNX']
    if services: # It's a Bouquet
        search.extend ([(service, 0, -1) cho service in services])
    events = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEvent(search)

    event = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEvent(['ESX', (ref, 2, int (idev))]

import logging

from enigma import eEPGCache

from import EventDict, FLAGS_ALL






[docs]class EventsController(object): """ Events controller. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.epgcache_instance = eEPGCache.getInstance() self.raise_exceptions = kwargs.get("may_raise", False) self.fallback_flags = kwargs.get("fallback_flags", FLAGS_ALL)
[docs] def search(self, what, querytype=None, case_sensitive=False, flags=None, max_rows=None): """ Search EPG events Args: what (basestring): query value querytype (int): see :ref:`event_search_parameters-label` case_sensitive (bool): True if case sensitive search flags(basestring): query flags max_rows (int): maximum number of results Returns: list of matching items """ mangled = [] case = CASE_INSENSITIVE if flags is None: flags = self.fallback_flags if case_sensitive: case = CASE_SENSITIVE if querytype is None: querytype = QUERYTYPE_SEARCH__PARTIAL_TITLE if max_rows is None: max_rows = 64 arglist = (flags, max_rows, querytype, what, case) try: results = if not results: results = [] for data in results: mangled.append(EventDict(data, flag_string=flags)) except Exception as exc: self.log.error(exc) if self.raise_exceptions: raise return mangled
[docs] def lookup(self, service_reference, querytype=None, begin=None, minutes=None, flags=None, max_rows=None): """ Lookup EPG events Args: service_reference (basestring): service reference querytype (int): see :ref:`event_lookup_parameters-label` begin (int): begin timestamp minutes (int): query's time range in minutes flags(basestring): query flags max_rows (int): maximum number of results Returns: list: matching items """ mangled = [] if flags is None: flags = self.fallback_flags if querytype is None: querytype = QUERYTYPE_SEARCH__PARTIAL_TITLE if begin is None: begin = QUERY_TIMESTAMP_CURRENT_TIME if minutes is None: minutes = QUERY_MINUTES_ANY if querytype == QUERYTYPE_LOOKUP__ID: arglist = (service_reference, querytype, begin) else: arglist = (service_reference, querytype, begin, minutes) try: results = self.epgcache_instance.lookupEvent([flags, arglist]) if not results: results = [] if max_rows: results = results[:max_rows] for data in results: mangled.append(EventDict(data, flag_string=flags)) except Exception as exc: self.log.error(exc) if self.raise_exceptions: raise return mangled
[docs] def lookup_event(self, service_reference, event_id, flags=None): """ Lookup EPG event by ID Args: service_reference (basestring): service reference event_id (int): Event ID flags(basestring): query flags Returns: matching item or None """ result = self.lookup(service_reference, querytype=QUERYTYPE_LOOKUP__ID, begin=event_id, flags=flags) if result: return result[0] return None